Parents Page

Fun Run


The Parents Auxiliary would like to thank every child who participated in our school fun run. Our final figures are in and we raised a whopping $20,277.64 for our school! This money will be put towards new football goals and extending the barrier behind the soccer goals.
We have now finalised our prize orders and the children will receive their goodies in the coming weeks.

Lunch Orders

Our first term 4 lunch order will be this Friday 28th October. The next lunch order is scheduled for November 25th then a special treat order for December 16th

Icy Poles

Icy poles are back for days over 20 degrees.
They are sold for 50c each. Please send your child with correct money if possible.
Flavours are assorted and can’t be requested.


The MOSA group ran their first family sports day down at lagoon reserve in Keilor with mums, dads and all kids having a very fun day. From dads vs kids in cricket, footy and soccer  to playing on the playground to just communicating with mums and dads from the school and having fun all day. It was a great day and the MOSA group will continue to run fun family days similar to this. 


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