Parents Page

PA News

Christmas Raffle

The PA is beginning to collect donations for the Christmas raffle!
All donations can be sent in with children or left at the office.
We are after Christmas theme foods, crafts, toys etc. or family games/activities.
All items to be new please.
Our raffle will be drawn on carols night so if you can please have your donation in by Monday 4th December it would be much appreciated.
We are also seeking donations of soft drink cans/water for our sausage sizzle that night.
Thank you for your support!
Raffle ticket booklets will be sent home with students soon. Tickets are 50c each. The raffle will be drawn at the Carols night on Thursday the 7th of December. Please ensure all raffle books are returned with correct payment by the 6th of December. Don’t forget to include family name and class on the returned ticket stubs. Thank you.

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