Learning Matters

Student Leaders Report

Hello Everyone

Hi I’m Mila and I’m your 2025 School Captain. I am very sporty and I love to do Ninja Warrior and tennis when I’m not at school.

Hi I’m Karlo and I’m your 2025 School Captain. When I’m not at school I like to play soccer and I am also very sporty. My favourite soccer team is Manchester United.

We are very excited to get to know everybody a little bit better this year. We hope everyone has a good year and feels safe in our school environment.


From you 2025 school  captains

Mila & Karlo

Around the School

We warmly welcome everyone back to school especially our 2025 Preps. There were a few nerves on their first day followed by lots of big smiles as they started their school journey with us here at St Augustine’s. We are sure all our parents were waiting eagerly to hear all about their first day. Congratulations Preps, you have all settled in beautifully.

Parent Teacher – Get to know you interviews

Parent Teacher Get to know Interveiws will be held next Tuesday 11th February. All students will finish at 12.15pm on this day is to accommodate our ‘Parent Teacher Learning Conversations’ which will be held in Cooinda (School Hall)


Having a ‘Get to know you’ conversation early in the year provides teachers with an opportunity to discover more about the students in their class through you, their parent/s, because you know them so well. These conversations will assist us to know and understand your child better and will enable us to become more aware of their individual needs. Parent Teacher Learning Conversations assist in establishing a home school partnership essential in ensuring that each student achieves their best potential.


To make this 10 minute conversation as useful and focussed as possible, please use the questionnaire that teachers will send home  shortly to record any relevant key points you would like to talk about and return it to your child’s teacher. This will then become the focus of the learning conversation.


Bookings for Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations can be made via the Parent Portal on our new Nforma APP.


As mentioned above all  parents are asked to pick up their child/ren at 12.15pm on this day including Preps.

If this proves to be impossible for any family, please register your child for at school supervision via  the Supervision Register link below and the school will make arrangements for your child to be supervised at school in the library until 3.15pm.


P/T Supervision Register


Carnevale’ celebrations are typically held throughout Italy in the 2-3 weeks leading up to Lent and ending on Shrove Tuesday. Italian cities, streets, theatres and city squares come alive with colour, music, dancers, masks and costumes.

At St Augustine’s children will be given the opportunity to experience the magic of an Italian ‘Carnevale’ festival.

In Week 3, Thursday 13th February at 3pm the children and staff will take part in a ‘Carnevale Mask Parade’. The children will display their masks which they will decorate in Italian class. The children will come to school in their uniform, it is NOT a dress up day. 

In Week 4 ,February 19th and 20th the children will help prepare and then sample traditional ‘Carnevale’ sweets called ‘Castagnole’.

The ingredients of ‘Castagnole’ include the following:  flour, dry yeast, sugar, oil, eggs, milk.

If you have any concerns please contact the school. For more information click on the link below

Carnivale Flyer


Grazie / Thank you.

Signora Carmela Di Lorenzo

Cybersafety @ St Augustine’s

Click on this link for more information  Inform and Empower Parent Flyer

Award Winners

Congratulations to the following Award recipients for going above and beyond to make a difference. This week we recognise and celebrate those students who have been inclusive and accepting of others.

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