Parents Page

Lunch Orders

Lunch orders are due by this Friday the 19th of August. The lunch order date is the 26th of August which coincides with St Augustine’s Feast Day.
Sausage in bread $2.00 each
Juice $1.50 each
Chocolate 50c each

Bunnings BBQ – August 28th 

We still require donations for the Bunnings BBQ – mainly soft drinks. Please leave donations in the office or contact Claire Boskovic to arrange a collection or alternative drop off.
Don’t forget to pop down to Bunnings Taylors Lakes for a sausage on Sunday 28th August between 8am-4pm

School Fun Run

The School Fun Run will take place Wednesday September 7th. Please register your child for online donations via the pamphlet sent home yesterday.
We are raising funds to put towards new equipment and upgrades around the oval & playgrounds.
All children will participate in the fun run which promises to be a great day full of lots of fun! For more info you can watch the following video with your child

Father’s Day Stall

The father’s day stall will be held on Thursday September 1st.
Gifts are $5 each
Please send children with a shopping bag.

Pie Drive

Thanks to all who placed an order for Tony Pies.

Collections of orders to be made this Friday the 19th of August.


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