Notice Board

Term 3 Week 8

The Book Fair Returns to St Augustine’s 

Next week all classes will visit the Library with their teachers on Monday and Tuesday to browse through the books available and put together a ‘wishlist’ of any books they would like to purchase on their buying day.

On Wednesday and Thursday all classes will be timetabled to visit the Book Fair again and be given the opportunity to purchase books.

Please note that purchases made by the students on their book buying day will need to be paid for by cash. So please remember to send along some money and a bag for their books. Items range from $2 up to $20.

Please direct any questions regarding the Book Fair to Mrs McBean directly or by email

The book buying days for classes and parents and friends will be as follows:

WEDNESDAY September 11th  –  3/4A, 3/4M, 3/4S, Prep C and Prep R

THURSDAY September 12th – 5/6C, 5/6V, 5/6T, 1/2A, 1/2G and 1/2T

THURSDAY September 12th – Parents and friends between 3.00pm and 3.45pm (EFTPOS will be available for parents to make purchases at this time)

Yr 34 Camp Volunteers Needed

We are looking for some dads to assist us with this years upcoming Yr 34 Camp. If you are interested please register your interest on the Expression of Interest Google Form – See link below.
Our Yr 3/4 students will be attending camp at Lady Northcote Recreation Camp this year in  Bacchus Marsh  (1273 Glenmore Rd, Glenmore VIC 334) The camp will be for 1 night  and two days.
Please ensure you have included your current Working with Children number below.
You will be contacted shortly if you are selected.

Camp Dates: Wednesday 23rd & Thursday 24th October 2024

Lost Property

These items were found in the yard this week. Please come and collect them from the office if they belong to you.


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