
Term 4 Week 8

These past weeks we have been analysing our data and presenting this to the Advisory Council and the school staff. This data is gathered from a variety of different sources including the recent NAPLAN, our school testing where we use  PATR (reading) and PATM (maths), Essential Assessment and ongoing work samples from children that are compared not only within the school but also with available work samples supplied by VCAA of other children throughout the state.  We are very pleased with the results and have been recognised as performing above the state mean, especially in Reading and Writing. Congratulations to our students who have worked hard all year, to our staff who make ‘improvement’ their mission and to families who work with us on this improvement, especially when called upon to complete certain work at home such as reading, homework or sight words.  A explanation of this can be found in the ‘Learning Matters’ page.

Today I was invited to participate in a ‘Shark Tank’ panel for 5/6G where the students presented business ideas that they had been working on. They presented these in the ‘Shark Tank’ format (like the TV show) and showed an incredible understanding of profit and loss and negotiation. I was thoroughly impressed with their presentations and business models and made many counter offers to them in my role as the ‘billionaire investor’! The morning revealed many entrepreneurial students who certainty displayed the acumen to start their own small businesses in the future!

Tonight our year 1/2 children will participate in the ‘Out and About’ program. This is part of out outdoor education program where preps have had an early morning at school, arriving in their pajamas and had breakfast at school. Throughout the year the 3/4  children attended a one night camp and the 5/6 children attended a two night camp. Our 1/2 children will stay at school for an extended day where they participate in rotation activities, have a hotdog and treats for dinner and enjoy an evening at school. Thank you to the 1/2 teachers for organising the event and other staff for assisting during the evening.

Last Tuesday we had our fourth term emergency drill where we practised an in shelter drill. This was to simulate an impending bushfire.  Our school has been deemed a BAR school (Bushfire at risk school). Please read the information on Code Red days.

Over the past year we have partnered with Carley McGauran, a child psychologist, and Marty McGauran a cyber safety expert. Martin has presented  to the classes each term on issues relating to safety on the internet. Carly has presented webinars to parents on various issues presented in family life. If you have managed to attend her webinars throughout the year, you would agree that she offers practical and valuable advice to parents. The final webinar was last week. If you missed the webinar, the recording is available:

Tackling Tricky Conversations – A Guide for Parents & Carers

Presenter: Carley McGauran (psychologist & parent)


(Available to view until 17 December)

The children have been practising their carols and the choir and super uke group have been spending time rehearsing. The school is filled with Christmas cheer as I walk around listening to their singing. A reminder that Carols by Cooinda is on Thursday 7th December starting at 5.30 with a sausage sizzle, followed by carols at 6.30pm. You are invited to donate to the St Vinnies Christmas Appeal on the night. Student leaders will come around on the night to collect a gold coin or any other amount from you to be given to this charity. More details to come.

Over the term I have been informed about a number of incidents on the playground after school. This time is unsupervised by staff. If you want to provide some playtime after school for your child on the playground or on the top oval then you must also supervise their behaviour. The children have been reminded that ‘St Augustine’s rules’ continue to apply while they are on school grounds after school and being supervised by their parents. Please do not send your child to play unless you are supervising, to avoid accidents and unsafe play.

Our final 2024 prep transition day is this Friday. Thank you to Jacinta Fedorukl, the prep teachers and LSOs who have helped with these days and preparing our future students for school. 

Noone, our school uniform suppliers have informed us that despite a concerted effort to find a supplier they are no longer able to source fawn socks or stockings. Due to this supply shortage we will be changing the socks and stockings to a chocolate brown. Fawn sock are still able to be worn with a gradual fazing out of this colour. Noone will now stock the chocolate socks and stockings.


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