
Term 3 Week 2

Welcome back to term 3 even though it has now been nearly 2 weeks! It’s hard to believe that we are halfway through the year. Term 3 and 4 are always busy terms with many events and activities planned. We look forward to grandparents day tomorrow, the art show in week 8, St Augustine’s day in week 7, the book fair to celebrate book week, fathers day, a movie night for the children as well as many other classroom activities and learning in term 3.

At the end of term 3 we conducted semester one Parent Teacher interviews. The format changed with the first half of the day face to face interviews at school while the evening was reserved for online interviews. This was in response to the survey sent out earlier in the term where many families indicated that the hybrid form would suit their family. The day/evening was a success for parents and teachers. A survey has been sent home to ask for feedback on the evening. The responses have been positive such as: “Moving forward hybrid should be offered for future PT interviews, assuming it works for leadership and staff. Having options is greatly appreciated for both getting to know your child PT interview at start of year and mid year PT interviews.”  “Very convenient and easy to access for both parents.” “Please keep both options available.”  I attended the parent/teacher meetings online & found it very convenient due to other commitments on that day but also believe face to face is great especially for the start of year when meeting your child’s teacher for the year ahead.” and “Easy to book. It was nice to speak face to face. No issues or suggestions it was as I’d expect a PT.”  The survey is still open for responses.

Holidays are a good time to organise maintenance around the school. During the holidays the landscaping at the back of the school was started . There have been pathways, planter boxes, seating and a beautiful Yarning Circle created for the St Augustine’s community to enjoy. Grass will be added once the weather improves. Shade sails are currently being erected over the oval playground with the poles in place. The sails are currently in production. Two large seats have also been placed near the oval playground for the children. A bonus to all the works is a drinking fountain now in place on the oval. Of all the works completed, this was the most fascinating and exciting for the children! The Parents Auxiliary fundraising efforts have greatly contributed to this landscaping. Thank you to all families who support fun runs, mothers day stalls, Bunnings BBQs etc… so that we can afford these improvements! The area under the multi purpose room has also been fully concreted. This has offered an enormous amount of space for a maintenance room and storage. Other holiday works included attending to the maintenance register and inspections such as annual playground inspection, exit sign inspections, air conditioners and heaters inspection and fire exit inspections.

We look forward to seeing over 160 grandparents tomorrow for ‘Grandparents Day’. The children and staff are excited to ‘show off’ their class and school to these special people. A reminder that all visitors must sign in using the sign in sheet near Cooinda. This is a risk management and safety management process so that we can account for all people in the school. I ask that only grandparents attend as we have had an overwhelming response form grandparents attending and expect the morning to be busy. However if grandparents need assistance to attend then it is completely understood that a parent may also be here to assist.

We wish Mila and Audrey Z good luck as they travel to the US to compete in the Ninja World Finals. They are both competing in their age groups while representing Australia. Congratulations to Cody  L who competed in the state cross country titles on the weekend. Cody placed 7th which enables him to progress to Nationals in Tasmania in August.

A reminder that there is whole school closure day Friday 9th August. There are no children at school on this day. There will be no staff onsite on this day.

Cathy Steere

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