
Term 2 Week 6

We congratulate our Year 3 students on celebrating their Reconciliation last night at St Christopher’s church. It was a very reverent celebration with the children prepared beautifully by their teachers. Thank you to the Yr 3/4 teachers, and Frances Barone for organising the sacrament. Than you to Fr Peter for presiding over the night.

After a full and eventful twentynine years it is with sadness yet congratulations that we say farewell to Christine Price. Christine has worked in the front office as our administration and enrolment officer. Over the years she has also worked in other areas such as in the library and attended to all aspects of the school! Christine’s knowledge of families, both past and present, has been amazing as she can recall names and faces with ease. She has had many stories to tell from her many years at St Augustine’s and leaves ready to retire and enjoy her family and new grandchild. Thank you Christine for all your years of service here and I personally thank you for all the assistance you have given me in my time here as Principal. You will be missed! We will farewell Christine as a community at a school assembly on Wednesday 22nd June at 2.50pm. Please come along to help us farewell Christine.

We have been given a start date for our building and renovation project. We start on 8th July, the last Friday of the school holidays. While we don’t expect to see builders and workman on day one of Term 3 we will be starting to implement safety measures, project sites and ensuring we have all processes in place to begin. We have also been given a completion date of 23rd December. This would be ideal as it would enable us to be ready for a transition into the building for the start of 2023. I’m hopeful but also know delays often come with major building and renovation projects! The Yr 1/2 children will be starting Term 3 in Cooinda and the Prep children in the library. The teachers will look to transition them to this building at the end of this term. I have been purchasing whiteboards, large screen TVs, floor mats etc to ensure they have the tools needed to continue with their learning, safely, comfortably and in an inviting environment.

This term our wellbeing focus has been on kindness. A weekly ‘kindness’ video has been created by classroom teachers to start the week off. They have been creative and fun to watch. I have included one of these videos for your enjoyment. Can you guess who the starring teachers are?

I have conducted our 2023 prep enrolment meetings with offers going out to families. It was great meeting and talking to families and listening to their hopes and dreams for their young ones. We have had more applicants than places with some remaining on a waiting list. However I am excited to welcome this new group of families to the school.

The Parents Auxiliary have organised the second lunch order day for the term. It will be on June 17th and will be a pasta day. Please see details on the ‘Parents Auxiliary’ page. Orders are due 9th June.

Keep the 30th July free for a fun filled night of trivia, games and merriment! The Parents Auxiliary have organised a Trivia Night (Just for adults) at the Moonee Valley Legends Bistro. Come along to reconnect and maybe win a prize or two. Create your own table of 12 or ask to be placed on one. Don’t be shy as this is a chance to support the school and to bring the St Augustine’s community together. I hope to see you there.

Information on booking your Yr4 child’s Eucharist celebration is now on the ‘RE News’ page.

Information on Booking Parent Teacher conversation is now on the ‘Learning Matters’ page.



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