
Term 1 Week 8

I hope everyone had a restful and refreshing long weekend. It certainly came at the right time as we race head first into Term 1….with only three weeks left!!

Next Thursday 23rd March we look forward to running the Whole School Sports Day at the Keilor Little Athletics track, Stadium Dr, Keilor Park. The children will be shuttled to the track with the first bus leaving at  8.55am. Students will go to classrooms as usual to start the day. All classes have been allocated a time to leave. The first shuttle back to school will start at 2.20pm with all students back to school by 3.00pm. For child safety and organisational reasons no child will be allowed to leave the track with a parent. All children will  come back to school by bus then dismissed at 3.15pm as usual. We ask that the children wear a tshirt that is the colour of their team. Remember to pack a hat, drink bottle, snack and lunch if your child is not ordering a hotdog lunch. 

A reminder to send in your hotdog lunch order for the sports day by next Monday 20th March. Hotdogs $3.50, drink $1.50. Please ensure correct money is placed in a clearly marked paper bag including your child’s name and class.

This year we have the opportunity to invite parents to the track to watch. Many parents have already volunteered their time to help on the day. If you just want to come and watch you are welcome to come on the day. However, their will be a sectioned off area for parent viewing. Unless you are a designated parent helper you will need to stay within the boundaries of the parent viewing area. (all parent helpers will be wearing a distinct ‘volunteer’ badge). Unfortunately due to child safety concerns non-volunteers cannot mingle with the children. All adults entering the grounds, (excluding staff members), will need to sign in. Staff members will direct you to the sign in sheets.

Thank you to Guiliett and Rhiannon for organising a fabulous Parent Night Out last Friday. There were over 50 people in attendance with many prizes to be won. It was a great to be able to catch up with parents on a social level even though I didn’t win anything!

The past two weeks we have run 2024 prep information sessions for prospective families. We have been inundated with families wanting to know about our beautiful school with many commenting that it is information and recommendations from current families that has inspired them to want to come to St Augustine’s. A reminder that if you have a child starting prep in 2024 to complete the enrolment form to secure your place. 

Thank you to the Yr 5/6 teachers who organised the parent Confirmation workshop last Thursday for our Yr 6 children. Maria Forde facilitated the online evening with parents and children snuggling up on their couches listening to Maria and discussing with their children the different aspects of Confirmation. We have worked with Maria over the past 2 years and she continues to offer insights and a deepening of our spirituality in preparation for Confirmation on the 31st March.

Tomorrow I will be joining our school captains, vice captains and SRC at St Patrick’s Cathedral for St Patrick’s day mass and to celebrate Catholic Education Week.. Our captains will be parading in with the Archbishop, Bishops and priests with our school flag. I will add photos of the event in the next newsletter.

We have an overabundance of RAT tests and masks that we are giving away. Come to the office and take what you need.



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