
Term 4 Week 6

I hope everyone managed to find some time for rest and relaxation over the long weekend. It came at an opportune time as we reset, ready for the next five weeks until the end of term and the school year! Hopefully the weather also stays fine enabling us to schedule the many events to come.


The school was buzzing last Wednesday as we finally had the ‘go ahead’ to move into the renovated classrooms. We didn’t need to be told twice! We were ready! The children screamed with delight and excitement when it was revealed they were moving that morning. The rooms are bright and light filled where the children have already settled into the work routines. The teachers still have boxes to unpack and displays to organise. However, once they have fully moved in we will organise a morning and afternoon for parents to wander through and have a look at these beautiful spaces. Stage two has begun in converting the old resource room into a staff room, (3/4M’s classroom during the renovations). 

We have begun the 2024 Prep Transition days with our 38 incoming preps. These transition days are invaluable in easing the children into the school ready for a positive start next year. They were excited to receive a  T-shirt with, ‘I am going to St Augustine’s PS’. There are another three Fridays of prep transition and then the ‘step up’ day where the children are grouped into their 2024 class and get to be with their prep teacher. We will soon begin meeting with transition staff from various secondary schools as we work with them to assist our Year 6 children in their transition to year 7. 

A reminder to complete the form sent out last week indicating your intentions to return in 2024. This is important data required for future planning.

This coming Monday, we will commemorate Remembrance Day  to honour armed forces members who have died in the line of duty. This day is commemorated on Saturday – November 11, at 11 a.m, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. We will be gathering around our flag poles as a whole school community. Lest we forget” 

Cathy Steere

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