
Term 4 Week 2

Welcome back everyone to term 4. Like other terms, it continues to be a busy term for learning, events and coming together. Our Yr 3/4  children are off to camp in week 4 after missing out the past 2 years. This is the first camp for both year levels! We have many other events throughout the term including Yr 6 Graduation, carols, excursions, Student Reports and many other experiences. Remember to refer to the term 4 calendar published on the Website.

Our Monday morning assembly has been successful these past two Mondays. We begin with a prayer facilitated by a different grade each week. Following this we have the student leaders announcing weekly awards. We invite parents and families to join us. Assembly is 8.45-9am Monday mornings.

During the holidays I met with our Site Manager and Project Manager for the building and renovation program. Adrian, the Site Manager, has been on site preparing for the start of the project and meeting with contractors and developing OHS and safety processes and procedures. The safety and movement of all the children and staff is of our highest priority. Barriers will be installed and some changes to moving around the school have already been implemented. These ‘movement’ changes will affect the back of the school while the front of the school remains unchanged.

I am excited to announce the impending arrival of another staff baby next year. Kristina Costello, her husband Bryce and little sister Savannah will welcome a new baby into their heart and home early next year. Congratulations to their families.

The airport runway continues to be of concern to residents in the Keilor area and surrounding suburbs. Some latest information is available by opening this link:

MACS has asked Principals to share information regarding the MACS plan for fairer funding and investment in Catholic schools. With a state selection next month, it is timely information on their website to read.

The Victorian Government has announced the end of the pandemic declaration and associated pandemic orders. New settings will apply from 11.59 pm on Wednesday 12 October 2022. Please read the letter attached for more details.

A reminder that 31st October is a student free closure day where staff will be engaging in Professional Practice Time offsite.

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