
Term 1 Week 8

Last Thursday the children participated in the Whole School Athletics carnival at Keilor Athletics track. It was joyful to have the whole school together on such a beautiful day where they all worked hard for their teams. Each of the House Captains, with support from other senior students, set the tone for the day with their robust chanting. I’m sure our prep children were bewildered at first but could then be seen chanting the loudest for their team. Thank you to Mrs Bridget Tadic, our PE leader, who organised the day to such precision. Thank you to our parent helper mums and dads. It was great to start seeing parents volunteering again.Thanks to the Parents Auxiliary who organized the hot dog lunch. Thank you to the teachers for their organisation and enthusiasm and finally thank you to the children who brought a smile to all our faces  while watching the egg and spoon race, the high jump, the hurdles and all other events while they gave everything they had. Well done to our winning team, Bunjil!

Our latest COVID regulation as informed by MACS (Melbourne Archdocese of Catholic Schjool) are as follows: “If a student or staff member tests positive through RA test, but don’t have symptoms or have not been in contact with anyone who has COVID-19 it is recommended getting a PCR test within 48 hours and stay isolated at all times until they receive their result. If the PCR test is negative, the student or staff member can return to school.” 

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you of the passing of one of our beloved parishioners, Phillip Boland who passed away Tuesday afternoon. Phil was an active member of the St Christopher’s parish and was particularly active in the St Augustine’s church. He was a school liaison who I had many conversations about working together with parish and school. He was the organiser of many parish events and was a true gentleman. He will be sadly missed.

The Parents Auxiliary have organized a Parents Night out on April 1st at the Keilor Hotel. After 2 years of lockdowns and restrictions they have organised an opportunity for parents to come together and socialise over a meal, a glass of wine and fun prizes! A social event was organised last year for the Yr prep, 1 & 2 parents. Due to the great success of this night last year the PA have organised another get together to include all parents of all year levels. Their is a $45 charge per head that includes finger food. There will be prizes and raffles on the night. It is shaping up to be a fabulous night. Open the link for more details.

Last week we had a surprise Worksafe inspection. Workplaces can at times have these inspections. The inspector was impressed that all staff have just recently been first aid trained, have the appropriate  policies and procedures in place to ensure student safety and commended us on our COVID safe procedures that we continue to follow. It was a satisfying inspection knowing that we passed with flying colours with the knowledge that our site is appropriately managed to keep our staff and students safe and well.

A reminder that Linear Park is a great space to pick up you child from school, particularly if you are concerned about social distancing at the front of the school. At present we only have about 4 families who pick up from here. 

Today the children celebrated Carnevale. Signora Di Lorenzo has been preparing the children over the past weeks during Italian lessons. Ms Logozzo has also assisted by teaching the children the Tarantella. It was fabulous to see the many italian themed costumes.

Congratulations to Alexia S, Kai C, Marcus B, Livinia C, Josh and Ayla C who participated in the District Swimming carnival.  All the children swam well with most improving on their times. Congratulations to Ayla who will be progressing to the Regional Swimming carnival in Geelong. Good luck!

Today our school captains represented the school at the Catholic Education St Patrick’s day mass. Sophie and Ethan were able to attend after cancellations in previous years. The school flag was displayed in the cathedral with other school flags. It was a great opportunity for our captains to represent St Augustine’s and have the opportunity to participate in such a reverent event.

On Wednesday we welcomed Bishop Terry Curtin to St Augustine’s. Bishop Terry is a great friend and supporter of our school. He met with the Yr 6 Confirmation candidates and talked to them about this sacrament. The Yr 6 children will be celebrating the sacrament of Confirmation next Friday. Please keep them in your prayers.

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