
Term 3 Week 10

I have been speaking to a number of families during pick up and drop off times and we are all in agreement that the term has flown by and that we are ready for a break. We remain thankful that we have been at school all this year. Maybe there is a bit of fatigue as we once again get used to being here and changing back to onsite learning!

Thank you to everyone for the productive term. We have had out Yr 4 students receive their First Eucharist, an online Eucharist family night, our students leaders led us through a well organised St Augustine’s day, the book week parade with the creative costumes of both students and staff, our Parents Auxiliary organised Fun Run, the different excursions and incursions the students attended, district athletics, the tutoring program that ended this term, staff personal learning days, footy colours day – just to name a few! Listing these learning activities reminds me that we are well and truly back and ready for a rest!  


Thank you to the Parents Auxiliary for organising the Fun Run last Wednesday. The children were excited to see the blow up cheetah and the mascot as they arrived for the day. We picked the best day of the year with the sun shining, which added to the festive atmosphere. Congratulations to you all for your sponsorship donations. The children can continue to accept sponsorship/donations until Friday October 2nd. After this the children are able to go to their profiles and order their prizes between 3rd October and 7th October. Log into your Profile Page between these dates.  Then click on the ‘CLAIM YOUR PRIZE’ button and follow the prompts. If you have any questions, please contact the School Fun Run team on 1800 FUN RUN and they will gladly assist!

A family cricket afternoon has been organised by MOSA-Men Of St Augustine’s on October 16th, 12-4pm. This is a fun afternoon for dads to bring their families down to Keilor Cricket Club for a game of cricket. All members of the family are welcome. Read the flier for more details.

In term 4 we will be holding our school assemblies on a Monday morning. After the first bell for the morning, the children will assemble in their class lines instead of walking to their classrooms. We will have a class lead the prayer and class awards will be presented (class awards will start from week 2). We invite parents to stay in the yard to be with us for payer and the awards.

Some new guidelines for COVID infections now apply. If staff or students receive a positive test result at any time, they must report this through the Department of Health system (Rapid antigen tests | Coronavirus Victoria) or via the coronavirus hotline at 1800 675 398. Any student or staff member who tests positive to COVID-19 must now isolate for a minimum of 5 instead of 7 days. If they are asymptomatic, they may return to school on day 6. If they are symptomatic, they must remain in isolation until day 7. If they have symptoms after 7 days, they are strongly advised to stay home until their symptoms have resolved. As an additional risk mitigation, the Department of Health strongly recommends that you wear a face mask away from home indoors and outdoors when you cannot physically distance. If you are leaving isolation on day 6, wear a mask for 5 days but particularly the first 2 days. If you are leaving isolation on day 7, wear a mask for 4 days but particularly first 2 days. Consider taking rapid antigen tests before attending a workplace, including schools, sensitive settings or visiting people at higher risk of severe illness. If you are positive, stay home. All students and staff who return a positive result from a rapid antigen test should also follow the latest advice at The Victorian Government is providing rapid antigen tests in Term 4 to schools. It is recommended that rapid antigen tests are used by students and staff when symptomatic. Household contacts are required to test negative using a rapid antigen test on at least 5 out of 7 if they are attending or working at a school onsite.

Tomorrow is the last day of term where children and staff wear footy colours to celebrate AFL/NRL grand finals during the holidays. We finish at 1pm.

Have a restful and re energising break!



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