
Term 4 Week 8

Last Wednesday the school was abuzz with the excitement for the filming of the school production ‘4 Minutes’. The lead up has been busy with plenty of rehearsals, costume and prop making and sound recording. As the children entered the school on Wednesday students and families expressed their excitement for the day and the day did not disappoint. Cooinda was set up with a curtain back drop and lighting and film crews to provide the children with a ‘filming’ experience’. The children were fabulous as they kept to a strict timetable, gave it all they had and delighted in the final execution of their act with applause and cheers following each act! The finale was filmed on the basketball court with all students and staff singing and dancing together. It was a joyful experience to come  together as a whole school. The taped footage is now in the hands of the editor where they will put together a film of the production. Once this is done it will be released to families to watch in the comfort of your homes. Details to follow. A big thank you to the students and staff who worked tirelessly with rehearsals and the final filming. Thank you to Jacinta Fedoruk and Chris James who organised the finer details. Thank you to our passionate and enthusiastic Performing Arts teacher, Elisabetta Logozzo, whose vision has kept the production alive both online and then back at school.

Our Yr 4 & 5 children celebrated their first Eucharist last Saturday at St Christopher’s church. After postponing the Eucharist in 2020 due to restrictions, we were thrilled and relieved to finally have the first mass. Thank you for your patience. Thank you to the Yr 3/4 teachers who have prepared the children over the past 2 years. Thanks  to Vanessa Dal Santo, our Religious Education Leader, for your persistence and organisation. Our final group will receive their First Eucharist this Saturday. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Our 2022 prep transition sessions continue this week and next week as the children come to school in small groups to meet teachers, participate in activities and generally start to get used to ‘big school’. We have been able to provide four Fridays for transition for our new preps. It continues to be an essential aspect of transition to school where we can see the benefits of calm and happy prep children arriving in the new year to start school life.

Our Yr 6 children have started their Yr 7 orientation programs with children attending CRC, St Bernards, St Columbas and Ave Maria for a day to meet staff, other children and see the school they will be attending next year. By all reports they had a positive experience which also helps them to feel less anxious next year when they start their secondary school journey. 

Congratulations to Irena Razumic who has been selected in the State soccer team. Irena’s passion and commitment to soccer and her training has paid of by being selected. We wish you well in the coming competition in Sydney.

A reminder that 2021 school fees are now due. Fees were to be finalised by by July. Please attend to any overdue fees ASAP.  It has been a challenging year financially for many including the school as we have outstanding bills to pay and continued upkeep of the school grounds and programs. Statements have been sent out to families as a reminder of the balance to be paid.

I am calling for nominations for the School Advisory Council (previously called the Education Board). This is a two year tenure with seven meetings throughout the year. During the colder months these meetings are conducted online. Please see information on the Noticeboard page for more information and access to the ‘expression of Interest’ form.


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