
Term 4 Week 4

We celebrate World Teachers Day next Friday. It is timely that our teachers are celebrated as we come out of lockdown. At Tuesday nights Education Board meeting the members wanted it to be known and tabled the appreciation they had for the work and commitment our staff have had during these past eighteen months. Their praise of the staff was unsolicited and heartfelt. I have had many emails during this last lockdown, expressing this same sentiment. Happy World Teachers day to all the staff. So happy to be working with a fine group of people!

Next Wednesday we are elated to have ALL the children back onsite! While the transition has been staggered and at times confusing, it has allowed the children to gradually ‘acclimatise’ to school life. The school will continue to work in hubs and relegate parts of the playground to certain class groupings. Years 3-6 are asked to wear masks and sanitising and cleanliness is asked of everyone. Our cleaner will be deep  cleaning and sanitising the school in preparation for the children’s return. We are also waiting on air purifiers to be supplied by MACS. All children are to wear their full summer uniform on their return. A school hat is mandatory in term 4. If you need to replace any of these items please call Noone on 9379 5037 to ask about availability and store access. Remember to also follow Drop Off & Pick Up protocols. You have a window between 8.30am-8.45am in the morning and 3.15-3.30pm in the afternoon. Always wear a mask if waiting on the footpath, stay in your cars, move to the next available space, patience, patience, patience! Children will walk straight to their class when the gates open in the morning.

Our Building Project meetings and approvals have continued while in lockdown.  It is a lengthy process to gain approval, apply for permits, review cost plans (we are up to Cost Plan D) and then call for tenders.  We had hoped to start in January but with various delays it is looking more like March 2022. No doubt the hard work in our preparation will pay off with newly renovated classrooms and a new multipurpose area.

Our prep T-Shirts for our incoming children

Our prep 2022 orientation days begin on November 5th for 4 Fridays. We are looking forward to meeting our 2022 preps in small groups and hope that their initial experience at St Augustine’s is a positive one.

A reminder to organise the costume pieces that your child/ren needs for the school production. We will be having a dress rehearsal on Monday 8th November where all the children will need to bring their costumes to school. Please have these in a separate bag so that when children change they can put their labeled school uniform in it. This will also apply for the filming/performance day on 17th November. Children are to wear sports uniform on both these days.

During all the challenges of lockdown, the school has transitioned to ICON. Leanne and Christine have spent hours trying to understand and use this new system.  It is challenging but I have great faith in our admin team to forge ahead with this new system and make it their own.

Looking forward to having a full school next week,


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