Notice Board

Term 1 Week 8

School Fees Reminder

If you are planning on paying your school fees in full, please note that they are due by Wednesday the 22nd of March 2023. 

For those paying in installments, here is a reminder of when they were/are due by:

  • Installment 1 – Wednesday 15th of February
  • Installment 2 – Wednesday 3rd May
  • Installment 3 – Wednesday 26th of July

If you have note received an invoice, please check your partner/spouse’s email as the system may have defaulted to their email address. If not, please contact the office so we can resend the invoice to your preferred email.

Lost Property

We have these lost items sitting in the office. If they belong to you, please come and collect them at your earliest convenience. We will only keep them for a week, and then they will be discarded.

Covid Supplies available

The school still has numerous supplies left over from Covid, things like RATs and face masks (N95) in adult and child sizes. We currently have them in the school office foyer area, so please come and help yourselves if you’re interested.

Prep Sibling Enrolments for 2024

This is a final call for all families with a child due to start Prep in 2024, to please submit your enrolment. All forms can be found here.

The checklist of  documents that need to be submitted is as follows:


  • Enrolment Form
  • Enrolment Agreement form
  • Consent to Transfer Information form
  • Photography and recording permission form
  • Parent/guardian/carer code of conduct form


  • Copy of birth certificate
  • Copy of immunisation certificate
  • Copy of Baptism certificate

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