Notice Board

Term 1 Week 2


PT Learning Conversations (Get to know you chats)

Next Tuesday, all students (including preps) will be dismissed at 12.15pm.

The Parent Teacher Learning Interviews for Years 1-6 only, will be running from 12.30 – 7.00pm.

Information and bookings for Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations can be made via the ‘School Interviews’ website.

Code: rhsb8  (case sensitive)

NB: Parents with multiple students will need to make a booking for each child.


As mentioned above all  parents are asked to pick up their child/ren at 12.15pm on this day including Preps.

If this proves to be impossible for any family, please register your child for at school supervision via  the Supervision Roster link below and the school will make arrangements for your child to be supervised until the time you are able to pick them up. 

Supervision Register

School Photos

School photos will be taken on Tuesday 28th February. This is a completely online ordering system. Please contact Advanced Photography if you have any queries. Children are expected to wear full  school uniform including fawn socks and brown shoes. Long hair is to be tied back. Earrings, such as sleepers and simple studs, may be worn.

Click on the below link for details and ordering.

Photos ordering

Siblings – Prep Enrolments for 2024

For those that haven’t already done so, could families that have a child enrolling into Prep in 2024 please fill out the form ‘Prep Siblings 2024‘. Thank you.

Second hand uniform shop

The second hand uniform shop will be open on Thursday the 9th of February from 2.30pm onwards.

All items are $5 and payments are cash only, so please come prepared.

Please continue to drop off uniform donations to the office.

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