Notice Board

Term 2 Week 6

St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal

Dear St Augustine’s Families, 

In collaboration with the wonderful Student Social Justice Team, I invite you during the next few weeks to support the Winter Appeal for St Vincent De Paul. Your generosity was witnessed during lent towards Project compassion. The Social Justice Team will speak to each class, provide posters, and promote the winter appeal. Thank you to this team of young students who are making a difference. 

They are asking for the following donations for the Winter season of warm clothing in good condition, blankets, scarves, hats, gloves, etc. These items will be donated to St Vincent de Paul to distribute to those families in need. When considering whether something can be donated to Vinnies, the rule of thumb is if you’d give it to a friend, then it’s ok to give to Vinnies.

The St Vincent De Paul society is a charitable organisation who do amazing work for the disadvantaged in society. Please remember this organisation in your prayers. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated. Let us give to those in need through our compassion and love as Jesus did.

Thank you for your support.                                     

Frances Barone – Religious Education leader

and the Social Justice Team

Lost Property

These items are currently in the office, so if they belong to your child please come ask them to come and collect them.

We also have a large number of jackets and uniform items in the Lost Property Basket sitting in the corner near the big double doors of the library foyer. If you are missing something, please come and have a look at morning drop off or at afternoon pick up.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) on School Students with Disability


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