Re: News


God of all people, we praise you for our   Australian saint, Mary MacKillop, who gave   her life to serve you in the poor and   oppressed. As she is honoured may we   continue to learn to share her vision. Help us   to recognise, as she did, that the poor of our   time will hear the gospel in the way we serve   them. Be with us as we strive to follow her   and carry out our mission of service and care.  We thank you for all those who, like   Mary MacKillop, have helped us to see the possibilities for our country and its people. May we witness to our world the true meaning of fair play and care for the oppressed. In Mary MacKillop, we celebrate a journey of deep love and sensitivity to your will. Like her, may we learn to grow in appreciation of the fullness of your love and the depth of your mystery. Help us to alsways reach out to others through the daily challenges of our journey towards you. Amen

Feast of St Mary MacKillop

This week  on the 8th August we remembered the feast of St Mary MacKillop Australia’s first Saint. She was a truly  an inspirational Australian woman ahead of her time who lived her life for the poor and needy – for those whom society rejected. Her love for her God enabled her to reach out to the most deprived and despised in the colony in her time. St Mary’s contribution and influence to Catholic education in Australia saw her set up the first Catholic school in a rundown stable at Penola St Australia.This was followed by the establishment of many more Catholic schools across Australia. We give thanks for Mary’s bravery and courage as an ordinary Australian who was able to achieve much in her lifetime. Filled with compassion she extended love and friendship to everyone who needed her. Her actions and ministry reflected her motto “Never see a need without doing something about it.”  Inspired by her motto we based our theme for the year “See a need…Make a difference” from her words. Mary knew pain in her life but despite the many trials, hardships, sickness, and challenges, Mary carried on, strengthened by her faith and her determination to serve others. Her resourcefulness and kindness had no limits. The spirit of St Mary MacKillop lives on and is as relevant for us today as it was in early colonial Australia. Mary’s tremendous faith and trust in  God enabled her to achieve extraordinary things; put simply, she loved as Jesus did.

“We give you praise O God for giving Mary MacKillop to our nation Australia.”



Grandparent’s Day

Thank you to the year 3/4AT,  Ms. Anne and the choir for presenting to the school a wonderful and meaningful liturgy at our Grandparent’s and Special Friend’s morning. The children through prayer, scripture and song asked for God’s blessing on all grandparents. We were reminded of the special role that grandparents play in the life of  families and how their life experiences teach us many valuable lessons.  we also remembered the feast day of St Joachim and St Anne, the parents of Mary and the grandparents of Jesus. For Joachim and Ann, their faith in God enabled them to trust the mystery of God’s plan in the life of their daughter Mary as the mother of Jesus. It was a wonderful morning for the community of St Augustine’s. Well Done 



First Reconciliation

The Year 3 children have been preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  This will take place on 22nd August where they will come together to celebrate and receive Jesus’ peace and forgiveness. For the children it is a significant milestone in their spiritual journey. It marks the beginning of their understanding of sin and forgiveness, and it provides them with an opportunity to experience God’s mercy and grace. Let us pray and keep the folowing children in our prayers.



Year 3/4 AT

Amelia Calvi,      Jasmine Cassar,     Paris Dimech,     Scarlett Incata,     Jack Jurcec,       Brodie Moran,     Hunter Norton,     Erica Pagnin,     Rio Pavlovic,     Ethan Rust,          Audrey Zammit

Year 3/4 M

Giana Aprile,     Aurora Gulizia,     Emily Mardijono-Ly,      Jacob Previti,      Sam Purcell,     Holly Rowe,     Alessio Schembri,     Ashton Scozzaro,     Charlie Steele,     Aria Vella,  Joshua Yu

Year 3/4 S

Julia Assaad,    Lucas Buttigieg,    Oliver Crockett,   Aria Dzidzic,    Samuel Grixti,              Elandri Johnson,     Alexander Long,    Tyler Moran,    Christian Quattrone,             Alexandra  Rivelli

The Sacrament of Reconciliation and its importance

Reconciliation is officially called the Sacrament of Penance. In the past, it was also called Confession. These titles are all aspects of the meaning of the Sacrament.

The Sacrament of Penance is a celebration of God’s love and mercy. It celebrates the call to repentance after a process of conversion of heart. Reconciliation is a Sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ in his love and mercy to offer us forgiveness for the times we have turned away from God. At the same time, we are reconciled with the Church because it is also wounded by our poor choices.

This includes confessing and receiving the forgiveness of God through the ministry of the priest. Through this process, a person is reconciled with the Church and continues to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Mrs Barone

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