Re: News


Almighty God and Father,

Maker of the Heavens and the Earth,

Giver of light and Author of All Wisdom

From eternity you have been gracious and kind to all your children providing inspiration and guidance to those who seek you.

We thank you for this term and the gift of many new opportunities. Bless each of us who belong to the community of St Augustine’s. We give thanks for all students, staff, parents and all who have contributed to this term of nurturing and growth.

We affirm all the positive moments, of insight, of the excitement of learning, of accomplishment, of creativity, of laughter, of a sense of community.  We also recognize the times of struggle, of difficult work, even of failure. We give these to you for transformation, so they can become seeds that will find rich soil. May the gift of your Holy Spirit continue to enlighten our minds with its many gifts of wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. In all we do may we open our Hearts to live and to love.

Gracious God may our School continue to grow to become an Altar of Love and Charity through the patronage of St Augustine. May your presence always be felt by all in our midst.

As we head into the holidays, may we take with us the knowledge that You will keep us all in your embrace so we may rest and return refreshed.

We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Thank you and Goodbye Father Peter

We take this opportunity to farewell and thank Father Peter our parish priest who is leaving. We thank him for his years of ministry in the community of St Augustine’s. He has officiated at liturgies, baptised new members into the Church and celebrated the sacraments. With the Gospel he has comforted many in times of sickness and trouble and also shared in times of  joy and happiness. He has been important in the call to service in the life of this community.  We ask God to bless these accomplishments and pray that Fr Peter continues to be strengthened in his vocation in his new parish of Our Lady’s Sunshine. May he take with him a heart filled with memories of those he has served.

We offer this Blessing to Father Peter

Lord Jesus, you have chosen Fr Peter and sent him out to proclaim your word and act in your name. For so great a gift to your Church, we give you praise and thanksgiving. We ask you to fill him with the fire of your love, that his ministry may reveal your presence in the Church. Fr Peter we now send you forth with our blessings and gratitude. May your holy service in your new parish touch many hearts and inspire those around you. Lord please shower Father Peter with abundant joy and blessings.

We ask this in the name of Jesus your son. Amen


Social Justice Gold Coin Donation -Footy Colours Day (Friday 20th September)

This Friday 20th September is Footy Colours Day -The gold coin money donated on Footy day will go to the following worthy cause. Thank you for you donation.

Down on the ranch in Warrnambool   South West Victoria there is the  MacKillop’s Family Services Equine-Assisted Social and Emotional Learning Centre

Working with horses helps reduce stress. Horse therapy can also help mental health. Now it is being used to assist helpless young children living out of home care.

Horse therapy is available to children living in MacKillop’s residential care houses and in foster care. The social and emotional learning program helps these children and teaches them social and life skills.

It also helps in the healing  process for children who have experienced trauma. They learn how to earn a horse’s trust and co-operation by showing care and respect for the horse.  This develops a sense of ownership and achievement in this care.

For more detailed information

Meet Stella, one of MacKillop’s therapy horses

Have a safe and happy holiday.

Mrs Barone

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