Re: News


Lord, we thank you, for another term as the community of St Augustine’s. We have been blessed with the first light of dawn when each new day begins. You bless us when the long day is over and we snuggle down in our bed.  You bless us in our work and in our play each day. Whatever has come our way you bless us in our smiles and in our tears.  Your blessing  surrounds us in our successes and in our disappointments. May the holidays be for us a time of rest and recreation to help restore and re-create us in your image and likeness, as we enjoy, time and togetherness in our families. We pray for your continued blessing. Amen.

May the Lord bless you and keep you; may He smile on you and be gracious to you; may He look your way and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:24-26)

St Vincent de Paul See A Need – Make a Difference

Thank you for the donations that have been coming in for the Winter appeal and to the children’s social Justice team for their efforts with the appeal. Our final day for clothing donations will be Wednesday 26th June. To also support the winter appeal, the children are invited to wear casual clothes on Friday the 28th June and instead of a gold coin donation as in the past we ask that each child brings a food item that will also be donated to St Vinnies. To uphold the dignity of those receiving goods, please ensure that all food items are not due to expire for at least the next 6 months. All items must be non-perishable and undamaged. Look out for packaged food with a Health Star Rating of 3.5 or above. The more stars, the better!  Thank you for seeing a need and making a difference.


Don’t forget that on Friday morning on the 26th of July, we will celebrate and begin with prayer a morning dedicated to Grandparents. We realise that some children may not have grandparents who can participate in this special morning, so parents, please feel free to invite someone who is special to your child, someone you know as a friend or relative, to be your child’s “special” grandparent for the morning. Parents please pass on this invitation to grandparents or a “special” grandparent.  We look forward to celebrating this special morning with them as St Augustine’s community. If you have not replied to the note sent out with the online reply please do so.  This will help us with the organisation of the morning.

Have a safe and fun holiday.

Mrs Barone

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