Re: News

Let us Pray

Lord God we celebrate and give thanks to you for the special gift of our fathers.

It is Your Commandment that we should honour them.

We pray for fathers who are living.

We remember fathers who have died but live on in our memory.

We are grateful for special men in our lives who have been fathers figures to us.

Bless these men that we call father.

We give thanks for their love, care and compassion.

Bless them in their strength and in their weakness.

Bless them in their joy and in their sorrow.

Bless them in their work and in all they do.

As we celebrate the love of fathers on Fathers’ Day, shower them with the best of your spiritual blessings.

We thank you for being our heavenly Father for your love is unconditional and forever.

We make this prayer through the one who taught us to call you Our Father: Your Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ.



Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.



Sacrament of First Eucharist

Congratulations to the next group of Year 4 students who will celebrate their First Eucharist in our final celebration. Let us as the community of St Augustine’s pray for them during this most joyous time in their faith journey.

Sunday 4th September

From 3/4S  Mario and Liam 

From 5/6C Mia and Sachi  

When we attend Mass

Whenever we go to mass it is the place where we celebrate the actuality of what we believe, where we draw encouragement and hope for the journey that still lies ahead. The most important thing to remember about attending Mass with children is that you attended. St Augustine’s Parish Church warmly welcomes and invites all families to come and celebrate mass as a community.

Sunday Mass time 9.00am. 100 Harrick Road, Keilor Park.

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