Re: News


Almighty Father, I give thanks today for the friendships in my life. Lord, this life isn’t meant to be lived alone, so I am grateful for the people who walk alongside me, supporting me, loving me, and encouraging me. For we cannot do it all alone but are better together. Help me to be more aware and gracious to my friends, appreciating them and accepting their help. Help me to be a better friend, too, supporting, loving, and encouraging others. Lord, lead me to find and cultivate deeper friendships and be a good friend in all that I do. Shower your blessings upon those I call friends, that you may ever be in our midst. Amen


Thank you to the year 1 and 2 teachers and students for presenting to the school a wonderful and meaningful liturgy on how “We belong to God’s great family. Our family, school and church family is important.  Each of these contribute to how we live our lives.” The children through prayer, scripture and song asked for God’s blessing on all who are part of our family, school and church family. Thank You and Well Done Year 1/2.



As St Augustine’s community we will soon celebrate with the children in Year 4 their First Eucharist. This is a wonderful time for the children and for their family. It is a very important step in their faith journey, and we ask for God’s blessing on them. Please keep the following Year 4 students in your prayers who will celebrate their First Eucharist on Sunday 13th August. We congratulate them as the community of  St Augustine’s.

Mila, Isla, Kobe, Xavier,  Daniel,  Emma, Natasha,  Reizo,  Alana,  Jack



The Eucharist is the center of Catholic faith. By receiving the Holy Eucharist, we remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us, and we grow in love for one another. Jesus commanded us to love, to remember Him, and to wait for His return. We do these things by receiving His Body and Blood. In its most basic terms, Catholics receive the really-present Christ in Communion so that they may be Christ in the world. Catholics believe that when one consumes the Eucharist, one is incorporated into Christ and becomes bonded to others who are also part of the body of Christ on Earth.

Mrs Barone


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