Re: News


Lord we begin another school year, in Your name. We recognise Your presence on our journey together. Open our minds to know Your voice. Open our hands to do Your work and open our hearts to hold Your Spirit. Bless the students, staff and parents of St Augustine’s that together we may grow in faith, hope, and love as we learn from you and each other how to follow your Son Jesus. Shine your light in us, through us and over us.  Expand the horizons of our minds, that we may grow in wisdom, understanding, and  knowledge. Deepen our commitment to seek the truth of your ways in all that we do and say. We pray that, we continue to build up the community of our school. Lord, inspired by Australia’s first saint, St Mary MacKillop, may we embrace our new theme See a need…Make a difference. Through her example enliven our faith to reach out to those in need. We also pray that in this new year we walk gently, laugh, dance and dream, remembering our many gifts with thanks as we look forward to many blessings yet to come. We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.



Confirmation will be celebrated at St. Christopher’s Church, 34 Roberts Rd, Airport West on Friday 22nd March at 6.00pm. The celebrants will be Bishop Terry Curtin and Fr Peter Hoang.


First Eucharist will be celebrated at St. Augustine’s Church 100 Harrick Road, Keilor Park at 9.00am. 

Year 3/4 A Ms Anne Sunday 19th May

Year 3/4S  Ms Selena Sunday 26th May

Year 3/4 M Ms McKay Sunday 2nd June



First Reconciliation will be celebrated at  St. Christopher’s Church, 34 Roberts Rd, Airport West on Thursday 22nd August at 6.00pm.




Next week on the 14th February it is Ash Wednesday. During a Mass, a priest places the ashes on a worshiper’s forehead in the shape of a cross.The ashes are typically obtained by burning the palms blessed on the previous year’s Palm Sunday. On Ash Wednesday we are asked to not eat meat. The day marks the beginning of our Lenten season which lasts for forty days.  It is a time when Christians reflect upon opening their hearts to God. We are encouraged to remember the Lenten traditions of spending time in prayer, show and ask for forgiveness, abstinence and almsgiving. Children are encouraged to spend time in prayer and to do kind things for others through their actions. The journey through lent leads to Easter which is the holiest day of the year. During this time the whole church focuses on events in the life of Jesus. We are invited to think about things that Jesus said and did. We journey with Jesus to prepare for something extraordinary, his death on Good Friday and from there to Easter Sunday and beyond, where we experience the resurrection of Jesus as our risen saviour.

Ash Wednesday Celebration at  Saint Augustine’s   

To celebrate Ash Wednesday and its significance there will be a  prayer liturgy for the school at 12.15 in Cooinda. Our school leaders will attend mass at St Christopher,s and bring back to the school ashes that were blest. You are invited to join us at the liturgy. During the liturgy the staff will distribute ashes to the children, each other and visitors.

Mrs Barone

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