Re: News


Loving God,
During this sacred season of Lent, bring me closer to you. Prepare a place in my home and heart for silence and reflection, so that I may re-discover the grace of a prayerful life. I pray that Your voice, even though a whisper, will ring loud and true in my life. Help me to fast from those things that threaten the well-being of who I am and remind me of the grace of simplicity. Enlarge my heart so that I give to those in need and, in so doing, re-discover the grace of gratitude and generosity. I pray for the courage and boldness to follow wherever You lead me, to love and serve whomever and however You invite me. Amen

Beginning of the Year Mass

On Tuesday 27th February students, staff and parents gathered as the faith community of St Augustine’s to pray for our school year with mass.  It was a very significant way to celebrate our school year. We are grateful to our parish priest Fr Peter for celebrating Mass with our community. Mrs Steere welcomed everyone and spoke about the theme for the year: “See a Need – Make a Difference “ based on the words and inspiration of St Mary Mackillop Australia’s first saint. We also prayed for abundant blessings from our patron saint, St Augustine.

To begin mass, each class, a staff and parent representative carried in a cross decorated with our 2024 theme. The symbol of the cross was very dear to St Mary Mackillop and to all who believe in Christ.

A large number of students, staff and parent representation were involved in the mass and we acknowledge their contribution, with special recognition of the singing by the school choir which was beautiful.

During mass Mrs Steere announced the house captains who were presented with their  their badges by our school and vice captains. All other senior school positions of responsibility were also announced.

It was a wonderful celebration and we are grateful to our loving God for the many gifts that the community of St Augustine’s brings and shares with each other every day.

Visit by Bishop Terry Curtin

Recently our Year 6 Confirmation students were visited by Bishop Terry Curtin our regional bishop. On Friday 22nd March these students will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Bishop Terry spoke about responsibility and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit which are strengthened: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. He made links to everday life as to what these gifts mean. The Bishop then joined the staff for morning tea. We thank him for his time with us.


Confirmation Workshop and Reflection day

The Confirmation students were also present with parents at a workshop led by St Rita Malavisi. It was was very interative with the sudents and parents having the opportunity to reflect, discuss and make links to the sacrament in their everyday lives. 

The students were also involved in a reflection day organised by their teachers. During the day the students had time to pray, listen to scripture, explore the gifts of the Holy Spirit and write a letter to their sponsor. Thank you to the students in the way they embraced the day and to their teachers for organising a wonderful day.

Please keep the following students in your prayers as they continue to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 22nd March.

5/6C Marcus, Sophia, Thomas, Ruby, Liam, Tyson, Evie, Roman, Zara, Alexia, Mario, Zaria

5/6T Marko, Tomas, Isabella, Michael, Emilija, Emma, Koa, Joshua, Millie, Clara

5/6V Paige, Liam, Aishah, Alessandro, Vincent, Sophia, Logan, Taylah, Willow, Cody, Parker, Lara


Project Compassion is a way of saying that we have been called and chosen and sent to love and serve those in need. We can do this by our actions, that is in service to others. Project Compassion hilights our theme See a Need – Make a difference. Your contribution makes a big difference. Thankyou for continuing to support this project.

 Mrs Barone

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