Re: News


Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

Risen Lord, we continue to celebrate the joy of your resurrection. We rejoice  continually in Your glorious and triumphant victory over death, for Your victory is our victory. Lord Jesus we celebrate how you have bathed the world in  your resurrection light. We now continue to invite you into our lives. May the hope of your resurrection colour our days. May the promise of your Spirit working in us light up our lives. May the love you revealed to us shape our giving. May the truth in your word guide our journeys and may the joy of your kingdom fill our lives. May we live in the gladness of Easter Sunday, every day. May we be messengers of Easter joy and hope and tell your Good News to the world. Lord, your resurrection has given us new life and renewed hope. May the glory and the promise of this joyous time of year bring peace and happiness to us all. Praise you Lord Jesus as our Risen Saviour, always there to bless us abundantly. May our lives be a testament to the power of your resurrection as we seek to follow you faithfully. Amen

Easter Message: Archbishop Peter A Comensoli  Archbishop of Melbourne 

Friends I sometimes reflect on the Disciples of Jesus in what they had experienced between the time of Jesus’ death and his resurrection. It would have been Darkness for them a questioning of everything they had come to know and have hoped for. Confused and in grief utterly shaken and probably quite fearful for their lives we know they were at a threshold a threshold between death and life. God did not want them to drift into oblivion, lost and forsaken. God instead shook them into a new creation that would change them and everything for all time with the resurrection of Jesus. The disciples were rocked out of complacency because at Easter life had found a way. The disciples were overjoyed to be true but it went far more than that. Nothing would ever be the same after the dawning light of the Resurrection in their lives. Theirs was the experience of death defeated, filling them with boldness and conviction to go out. And so it should be with us. Easter is an invitation to us into the story of Jesus’ resurrection into the story of the disciples, the move from our Darkness into a new light. The resurrection of Jesus gives us the means to transform our lives into something much better. When we embrace Jesus’ resurrection we truly can begin living . What a beautiful thought. We break free of all those things that bind us that keep us in death, for Jesus’ victory over Death becomes our victory for Life. Easter is meant to rock us and to shake us so as to empower us. May it be so for you this Easter.


Thankyou to the year 3/4 students and their teachers for the beautiful presentation of the Stations of the Cross during Holy Week in the last week of term one. The presentation gave all the opportunity to reflect on the final hours of Christ’s life. Each station was very powerful, where prayerfully we walked alongside Jesus and encountered him like never before. At the end of the stations we also celebrated the resurrection of Jesus the greatest feast of the Church year, a day of joy and celebration to commemorate that Jesus Christ is risen. We also opened a box with a hidden special word that was presented at the Ash Wednesday liturgy. The revealed word was “Alleluia” which is not used during lent.  Alleluia means “Praise the Lord!” and it now rings loudly throughout the year.

Confirmation Congratulations 

Congratulations to our newly confirmed Year six students. The students were confirmed on Friday the 22nd of March by Bishop Terry Curtin our regional bishop. As a community we rejoice and our prayers are with them. Blessings to all the candidates on their Confirmation.

May the light of the Holy Spirit always burn brightly in them and draw them closer into a life of faith where their love for God will empower them in their lives. 

Anzac Day

This week we commemorated Anzac Day with a prayer service. Thank you to Year 5/6C for leading us in a prayer  service. We were reminded that Anzac Day, 25 April, is one of Australia’s most important national occasions. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. Australians recognise 25 April as a day of national remembrance, which takes two forms. Commemorative services are held across the nation at dawn – the time of the original landing, while later in the day, former servicemen and servicewomen meet to take part in marches through the country’s major cities and in many smaller centres. Commemorative ceremonies are more formal, and are held at war memorials around the country. In these ways, Anzac Day is a time at which Australians reflect on the many different meanings of war.


They went with songs to the battle
They were young, straight of limb,
True of eye, steady and aglow,
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn,
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,

We will remember them.


Anzac Day Prayer

Gracious and loving God, the cross of Christ is the sign of your desire for justice and peace for all. Open our minds to your vision as we remember all who suffered through Australia and New Zealand’s involvement in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. Grant all servicepersons who sacrificed health and life for the good of all, the gift of your deep peace. May we who inherit the freedom for which they fought become instruments of your peace in our homes, workplaces and world.
We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen

Caritas Project Compassion Boxes

Thankyou again for your support of Project Compassion. Please send your boxes with your generous donation to school during the week.


Mrs Barone

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