Re: News


Heavenly Father, as we enter our Lenten journey, guide us to the path that leads to you. Fill our heart with gratitude, patience, strength, and peace as we strive to become the-best-version-of-ourselves. Let us hear your voice in the deepest reaches of our heart. Give us rest in you. Help us to accept others, showing them your great love instead of casting judgment. Stay with us through the busy days and remind us that when we need comfort, solitude, wisdom, or guidance, we can always turn to you. Help us develop discipline and generosity through fasting and almsgiving, and come closer to you through prayer this Lent. In your name we pray. Amen.

Ash Wednesday

Last week the school captains and vice captains, Logan, Millie,  Zara and Parker  represented the school at the Ash Wednesday mass at St Christopher’s church. They received  ashes from Fr Peter and brought these back to school where the whole school gathered for a liturgy where we all were signed with the ashes.  It was wonderful to gather together as a whole school community and aslo have  parents attend. The liturgy was a time for reflection and prayer as we now enter the season of Lent until Holy week.

Beginning Of Year Liturgy

Next Tuesday 27th February we will celebrate our Whole School Beginning Of Year Liturgy. This will be held in Cooinda at 9.15. We warmly invite you to attend and help us pray for the school year. We are very honoured to have Bishop Terry Curtin, our local bishop and Father Peter our parish priest come and say mass for us. Our theme for mass is “See a need…. Make a difference” inspired by St Mary Mackillop our first Australian saint.   

Project Compassion

Our children are learning about the Church season of Lent and they are preparing for Easter, and the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus. During Lent the annual Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal takes place. Donations to Project Compassion allow Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, to work with local communities around the world to end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity.

The theme of Project Compassion 2024 is ‘For All Future Generations’ and reminds us that the good we do today extends to impact the lives of generations to come. It invites us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long-term solutions to global issues.

The eldest child in each grade was given  a project compassion box for the family. In the past your generosity towards raising funds for Project Compassion showed the spirit of Saint Augustine’s community. Let us make 2024 another year of generosity. Boxes will be collected at the end of term.


Confirmation Workshop for Parents and children

A reminder that next week the Confirmation workshop will be held on school premises in Cooinda on Wednesday 28th February at 6.00pm. It will be facilitated by our guest speaker Sr Rita Malavisi. Drawing upon her skills as a presenter and educator, Sr Rita will present a workshop to support the preparation of the sacrament. Her presentation will involve prayer, in depth background to the sacrament and conversation. It is designed for parents and children and is a compulsory component of the Sacramental Program.

Mrs Barone


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