Re: News

Let us Pray

Lord, at the end of this school term we give thanks. For all the learning and teaching that has taken place in our school, both in and out of the classroom. For the talents and gifts that have been shared and the challenges that have been faced. For the respect and care that has been given. We give thanks for the friendships that have just begun and for those that have grown. For the faith that has been lived in our daily lives.
For the hope that has lifted our hearts and for the love that has been experienced.
We give thanks for the community of St Augustine’s and we ask you Lord to bless all students, families and the staff during the holidays. Keep us safe in our activities; give us rest and good fun. Pour out your love on us that we may return renewed and refreshed to continue our journey together in term 4.
We make this prayer in your name. Amen

Sacrament of First Eucharist

During the last five weeks we have celebrated with our Year 4 students their First Eucharist. Our parish church of St Augustine’s was filled with family, staff and the parish community who prayed with joy for the children. A special thanks to all who were involved in the preparation of the children, staff, Fr Peter who led the liturgy and to the parishioners who helped out at the church. As a sign of the support by the parish, Margaret Elliot hand made beautiful Rosary Beads as a momento for the children of their First Eucharist. We thank Margaret for her time and effort in making these for the children. As the Community of St Augustine’s may our prayer for the children be that this First Eucharist is the start of a life-long love of coming to the Lord’s table through out their lives.

Some year 4 students with Margaret after receiving their Rosary Beads

Remembering HM Queen Elizabeth 11

In the certain hope of resurrection for all who die in the Lord, we give thanks for the life and witness of HM Queen Elizabeth II. May she rest in peace and rise in glory. We praise God for his servant Elizabeth, who steadfastly served, was resolute in faith, and confessed Jesus as Lord with clarity. We pray for all those who grieve along with those who now lead in her footsteps. Amen


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