Re: News

Let Us Pray

Loving God we come to you.

With thanks we come to you, for again and again you have helped us.

Again and again you have let your light shine out on us so that we could be glad and know that our lives are in your hands.

Protect us on this earth, where it is so necessary.

Protect us, that the light of true life may shine more and more brightly and we may praise your name with our whole heart.

Be with us O God, and touch our hearts with your Spirit.



Sacrament of Confirmation

 Our Year 6 students will be celebration the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 31st March 6pm @ St. Christopher’s Church, Airport West

ECSI -Enhancing Catholic Identity Parent Survey

Thankyou to those who have already completed the online RE ECSI survey.  The survey results will assist us in better understanding how our Catholic identity is expressed in work and practice here at St Augustine’s.

The Catholic University in Leuven was commissioned by the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Ltd (CECV) to design a process and tools, based on sound research, to accomplish the goal of understanding our current Catholic Identity and where the school community might like to see itself in the future.

 If you received an email invitation to complete the survey, you are asked to complete the survey online by the end of Term 1; it may take up to an hour to do so. Try not to get caught up in the questions, simply respond intuitively.

To access the survey please follow the steps below

  1. Access the surveys at
  2. Enter the case-sensitive password Ghj654 and click login.
  3. If you’re a new user: Click the New user button.
    If you wish to continue a previous session: Enter your User-ID and Password.
  4. Enter the school’s Survey Access Code –  Wd15YA  (Case sensitive)

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