Re: News

Let Us Pray


Risen Lord, as the community of St Augustine’s we journeyed through Holy Week together and now we continue to celebrate the joy of your resurrection. We continue to invite you into our lives. May the hope of your resurrection colour our days. May the promise of your Spirit working in us light up our lives. May the love you revealed to us shape our giving. May the truth in your word guide our journeys and may the joy of your kingdom fill our lives. May we live in the gladness of Easter Sunday, every day. May we be messengers of Easter joy and hope and tell your Good News to the world. Lord, your resurrection has given us new life and renewed hope. Praise you Lord Jesus as our Risen Saviour, always there by our side. Amen

RECONCILIATION NEWS   Thank you to the children and parents of Year 3  who attended the online Reconciliation workshop. The presenter Maria Forde led an informative session on the importance of this Sacrament. Our Catholic faith teaches us that the sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ offers us forgiveness and is a celebration of God’s love and mercy. Please keep the children in your prayers as they continue in their preparation for the Sacrament.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION  The ceremony for the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the Year 3 children will take place at  St. Christopher’s Church 34 Roberts Rd Airport West on Thursday 25th May at 6.30 pm.



In a weeks’ time we celebrate mother’s day. Mother’s Day is celebrated as an opportunity to honour and remember all mothers. We wish them, and those who are like a mother figure to us a very happy day. May God’s blessing be upon them.


History of Mother’s day in Australia  

 Although mother’s day was established in the United States in 1905, the Australian tradition of Mother’s Day didn’t take form until the 1920s. In 1924 Janet Heyden, from Leichhardt in Sydney, started the Australian tradition of giving gifts to mums on Mother’s Day. She helped pioneer it after she started a campaign in Sydney to raise money to buy gifts for lonely or forgotten mothers. The original meaning of Mother’s Day was to acknowledge and support disadvantaged mothers with no current family to support them. Today, through Mrs Heyden’s efforts, Australia now celebrates Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of every May. Flowers are a traditional Mother’s Day gift. The chrysanthemum flower which is often given is found in bloom during this time and also because it ends in ‘-mum’.

On Mother’s day let us also remember Mary our heavenly mother and her prayer.

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen


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