Re: News


Let us Pray

God, you know me well. You understand my thoughts and are aware of all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, you know what I am going to say. Thank you for going before and behind me and laying your hand upon me. This is all so wonderful! Your presence and your Spirit are always with me. No matter where I go, your hand will guide me and hold me fast. Thank you, ever-present Lord, for knowing my heart and for your constant love in all things. Amen

Sacrament of First Eucharist

Congratulations to the next group of Year 4 students who will celebrate their First Eucharist in the next two weeks. Let us as the community of St Augustine’s pray for them as they mark this most joyous time in their faith journey.

Sunday 21st August

From 3/4M  –  Clara, Paige, Tyson, Charlie, Josef, Aishah

From 3/4S    –  Zara, Emilija

From 3/4TC  – Taylah

Sunday 28th August

From 3/4M   –  Logan, Isabella

From 3/4S    –  Parker, Alessandro

From 3/4TC  – Sophia, Chase, Cody, Michael

St Augustine’s Feast Day

On Friday 26th August we will celebrate as a school the feast day of St Augustine. Proudly we honour St Augustine in that our school is named after him. St Augustine was an early Christian theologian and  philosopher. He is widely considered the most prominent Christian thinker after St Paul. St Augustine was the Bishop of Hippo (modern day Algeria) in Numidia (Roman province of Africa). He is the most well known western Christian Church Father. His written works, especially Confessions and City of God are credited with shaping the practice of Bible. The writings of St Augustine have  contributed to the development of Western philosophy and Christianity.

       Some interesting facts about St Augustine

  • Mother – St Monica
  • Augustine was born in 354 AD in the town of Thagaste (Algeria), then part of Roman Africa.
  • St Augustine did not always follow God but his mother prayed for him everyday and his conversion began when he was 31 and he pursued the life of a priest. In 386 AD, Augustine converted to Christianity.
  • He was baptised as an adult
  • Augustine narrated the details of his conversion in his work known as the Confessions.
  • Augustine sold his family property, except for the small family home which he turned into a monastery for his friends. The money acquired through the sale of property was distributed among poor people.
  • In 391, Augustine was appointed as a priest in Hippo Regius. He became a well known preacher and delivered many sermons.
  • In 395, he was promoted to become coadjutor Bishop of Hippo and did not take long thereafter to become the full Bishop.
  • St Augustine died on 28th August, 430 at the age of 76.
  • Today St Augustine is described as a pious, intelligent and devoted man who spent his life defending Christianity. His legacy continues to deeply shape the face of the Church to this day.

Our School Prayer to say as a family                                                                     

St Augustine, our patron saint. You loved God with all your heart. Teach us to live God’s word through respect for ourselves, others and the world around us. May God always bless St Augustine’s school. May God walk with us and be beside us. May God help us to grow into a strong, loving and peaceful learning community. We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen


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