Re: News

Let us Pray    

Lord Jesus Christ,
Alive and at large in the world, help us to follow and find you there today, in the places where we work, meet people, and make plans. Take us as  disciples of your kingdom, to see through your eyes, and here the questions you are asking, to welcome all others with your trust and truth, and to change the things that contradict God’s love, by the power of the cross and the freedom of your spirit. Amen.

Sacrament of First Eucharist

Congratulations to the Year 4 students who will celebrate their First Eucharist in the next two weeks. This is a very special and joyful time in their lives as they receive the Body and Blood   of Jesus for the first time. Let us as St Augustine’s community rejoice in the happiness of the students in Year 4 and keep them in our prayers. 

                     Sunday 7th August                          Sunday 14th August

                      Evie                                                  Lara 

                      Marko                                              Sophia

                      Willow                                            Roman

                       Emma                                           Thomas         

                      Alexia                                             Marcus

                      Amelia                                            Ruby

                      Zaria                                               Joshua

                      Liam                                               Koa

                      Vincent                                          Tomas

St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal

On behalf of the Social Justice student group and the society of St Vincent De Paul, thank you for your very generous donations towards the Winter Appeal. Your donations will be distributed to families in need. The collection of items is now finished. If you still have any items to donate please take them to your nearest St Vincent De Paul store.

St Mary Mackillop our Australian Saint

On August the 8th we remember the feast of St Mary MacKillop Australia’s first saint. She placed her trust in God and devoted herself to caring for the poor and helped those in need.      We give thanks for her vision to begin Catholic schools. St Mary MacKillop was a true example of how to follow Jesus. Like Jesus, she treated people with dignity. St Mary MacKillop represents the true meaning of the gospel message “Love One Another.”  Her motto was,    “Never see a need without doing something about it.” May we follow her example in all we do. Let us be proud that she is Australia’s first saint. 

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